Tropical Dry Forests of the Pacific

Tropical dry forest in the Pacific may be the most endangered forest type in the world based on the extent of forest, number of reserves, levels of endemism, and number of threatened woody plant species (trees, shrubs, lianas). Tropical dry forest can be defined as forest in frost-free regions with annual precipitation between 500-2000 mm and a pronounced dry season of four to seven months with less than 50 mm of precipitation. This website provides comparative data on tropical dry forests of the Pacific.

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New Caledonia
Marianas Islands
Marquesas Islands

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Tropical dry forest in the Pacific may be the most endangered forest type in the world based on the extent of forest, number of reserves, levels of endemism, and number of threatened woody plant species (trees, shrubs, lianas). Tropical dry forest can be defined as forest in frost-free regions with annual precipitation between 500-2000 mm and a pronounced dry season of four to seven months with less than 50 mm of precipitation. This website provides comparative data on tropical dry forests of the Pacific.