Department of Political Science


daniel treisman teaching

Government and Politics of Russia (undergraduate)

Political Economy of Postcommunist Reform (undergraduate)

Topics in Postcommunist Political and Economic Reform (graduate)

Survey of Political Economy (graduate)

Property Rights and Political Institutions (graduate)












Selected papers & chapters

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Published or Forthcoming

Did Government Decentralization Cause China’s Economic Miracle? with Hongbin Cai, World Politics, July 2006.

What Have We Learned About the Causes of Corruption From Ten Years of Cross-National Empirical Research? published in Annual Review of Political Science, 2007.

- Data
- Statistical analysis

Explaining Fiscal Decentralization: Geography, Colonial History, Economic Development, and Political Institutions, published in Journal of Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, 44, 3, 2006.

Decentralization, Fiscal Incentives, and Economic Performance: A Reconsideration, published in Economics and Politics, July 2006, 18, 2, pp.219-35.

Ruble Politics: Evaluating Exchange Rate Management in 1990s Russia, chapter in Timothy J. Colton and Stephen Holmes, eds., The State after Communism: Governance in the New Russia, Rowman and Littlefield, 2006, pp.187-224.

A Normal Country: Russia After Communism, with Andrei Shleifer, published in Journal of Economic Perspectives, 19, 1, Winter 2005, pp.151-74.

Does Competition for Capital Discipline Governments? Decentralization, Globalization, and Public Policy, with Hongbin Cai, published in American Economic Review, June 2005, 95, 3, pp.817-30

Rational Appeasement, journal article, shorter version published in International Organization, Spring 2004, 58, 2, pp.345-73.
Proofs of Propositions 4 and 5

State Corroding Federalism, with Hongbin Cai, journal article, Journal of Public Economics, March 2004, 88, pp.819-43.

Fiscal Politics in Ethnically-Mined, Developing Federal States: Central Strategies and Secessionist Violence, book chapter, with Eduardo Aleman, for Philip Roeder and Donald Rothchild, eds., Sustainable Peace: Power and Democracy after Civil Wars, Cornell University Press, 2005, pp.173-216.

Stabilization Tactics in Latin America: Menem, Cardoso, and the Politics of Low Inflation, journal article, shorter version published in Comparative Politics, July 2004, 36, 4, pp.399-420.

Cardoso, Menem, and Machiavelli: Political Tactics and Privatization in Latin America, published in Studies in Comparative International Development, Fall 2003, 38, 3, pp.93-109.

Postcommunist Corruption, chapter, in Jan Fidrmuc and Nauro Campos, eds., Political Economy of Transition and Development: Institutions, Politics, and Policies, Kluwer, 2003, pp.201-226.

Fiscal Games and Public Employment: A Theory With Evidence From Russia, with Vladimir Gimpelson, published in World Politics, 54, 2, January 2002, pp.145-83.

Political Business Cycles and Russian Elections, or the Manipulations of 'Chudar', with Vladimir Gimpelson, published in British Journal of Political Science, 31, April 2001, pp.225-46.

Decentralization and Inflation: Commitment, Collective Action, or Continuity?, published in American Political Science Review, 94, 4, December 2000, pp.837-57.

The Causes of Corruption: A Cross-National Study, published in Journal of Public Economics, 76, 3, June 2000, pp.399-457.

Political Decentralization and Economic Reform: A Game Theoretic Analysis, published in American Journal of Political Science, April 1999.


The Popularity of Russian Presidents, unpublished paper, May 2008.

Pricing Death: The Political Economy of Russia’s Alcohol Crisis, March 2008

Political Decentralization and Policy Experimentation, with Hongbin Cai, unpublished paper, May 2007.

Decentralization and the Quality of Government, unpublished paper, October 2002.

Defining and Measuring Decentralization: A Global Perspective, unpublished paper, March 2002.

Short Pieces & Reviews

What keeps the Kremlin up all night? Moscow Times, Feb 18, 2008

The Economy and Popularity: the Roots of Putin’s Rating, Vedomosti, Feb 6, 2008

Putin’s Silovarchs, published in Orbis, Winter 2007.

What Russian thinkers think about when they think about Russia, unpublished article, November 2004.

A Normal Country, with Andrei Shleifer

To view shorter version published in Foreign Affairs, March-April 2004.
To view longer NBER working paper.
see also, Next to its peers, Russia is normal, International Herald Tribune, Feb 28, 2004

Globalization and its Discontents, East European Constitutional Review, Spring 2003.

Russia Renewed?, Foreign Affairs, Nov-Dec 2002.

Revolutionary Russia, East European Constitutional Review, Fall 2002.

Clausewitz in Afghanistan, APSA-CP, Winter 2002.

Blaming Russia First, Foreign Affairs, November 2000.


Dataset on decentralization


Last Updated June 2008