Abstract for Reflections on Language Development and the Interactional Character of Talk

Emanuel A. Schegloff: "Reflections on Language, 
Development, and the Interactional Character of 
Talk-in-Interaction." in M. H. Bornstein and J. S.
Bruner (eds.), Interaction in Human Development 
(New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1989), 

The main theme that I want to pursue concerns what
I call the double interactivity of talk-in- 
interaction. After drawing out several 
implications of this double interactivity for our
understanding of the character of the resources of
a language, I try to balance the "theoretical" 
tenor of these reflections with an account of a
brief dinner table exchange between a young boy 
and his mother, which may help to ground my theme
empirically. In the course of the account, I call
on analytic resources drawn from conversation 
analysis that have no prima facie relation to the
larger themes of the chapter, in the hope of 
suggesting how such basic research into the 
practices of talk-in-interaction can be of 
relevance and use to more focused or thematic 
inquiry, and should therefore be in everyone's 
tool kit-or department. I end with some preemptive
responses to potential doubts from those who worry
about applying this form of analysis to neophyte

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