Abstract for Conveying_Who_You_Are:_The_presentation_of_self,_strictly_speaking

In what follows, I first present a few elements of
our current understanding of person reference 
drawn from past work on which the later parts of 
the chapter draw and which they presuppose. 
Secondly, I describe briefly some more recent
work that complements the earlier work with 
results on other languages, and thereby 
contributes to specifying the import of the 
recipient-design and minimization preferences. 
Finally, I take up self-reference in the special 
environment described above – an environment that
may fall victim to the march of technology, as 
telephones come increasingly to be attached to 
persons and not to places. By the end of the last
of these sections, we will see that speakers
fashion even more elegant solutions in reconciling
the constraints of recipient design and 
minimization in doing self-reference than is the 
case in third-person reference. Finally, the 
discussion will turn briefly to extend the 
analysis from recipient-design as represented in 
personal recognizability, that is in ‘knowing who
it is’, to the bearing on self-reference of the 
action/topic/context that has been made relevant 
by the recipient.

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