Sound data for:
"Reflections on Studying Prosody in Talk-In-Interaction" 
by Emanuel A. Schegloff

What You Need For This Page To Work: 

1. The FREE VERSION of Real G2 Player from Progressive Networks. 
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2. A Macintosh computer or PC equipped with a sound card.

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To use this web page, scroll through the transcripts and simply click on the names of the sounds as referenced by the paper, "Reflections on Studying Prosody in Talk-In-Interaction." The sound will begin playing automatically after a moment or two and the RealPlayer panel may appear on your screen. If it does, point your mouse cursor to its title bar (the gray bar along the top edge of the panel) and drag it aside so you can read the text. Using the the buttons on the RealPlayer panel, you can rewind and play the sound clips again. 
Extract 1: TG1

(1) TG, 2:10-27

 1  Ava:       I'm so:: ti:yid.I j's played ba:ske'ball t'day since the

 2       ->    firs' time since I wz a freshm'n in hi:ghsch[ool.]

 3  Bee: ->                                                [Ba::]sk(h)et=

 4            b(h)a(h)ll? (h)[(°Whe(h)re.)

 5  Ava:                      [Yeah fuh like an hour enna ha:[lf.]

 6  Bee:                                                     [·hh] Where

 7  Bee: ->   didju play ba:sk[etbaw.  ]

 8  Ava: ->                    [(The) gy]:m.

 9  Bee:       In the gy:m? [(hh)

10  Ava:                    [Yea:h. Like grou(h)p therapy.

11             (.)      

12  Ava:        Yuh know [half the grou]p thet we had la:s' term wz= 

13  Bee:                 [ O h : : : . ] ·hh                             

14  Ava: ->    =there- <'n we [jus' playing arou:nd.

15  Bee:                      [·hh

16  Bee: ->    Uh-fo[oling around.

17  Ava:            [·hhh     

18  Ava:       Eh-yeah so, some a' the guys who were bedder y'know wen'

19             off by themselves so it wz two girls against this one guy

20             en he's ta:ll.Y'know? [·hh

21  Bee:                             [ Mm hm?

22  Ava:       En, I had- I wz- I couldn't stop laughin it wz the funniest

23             thing b't y'know you get all sweaty up'r en evrything we

24             didn' thing we were gonna pla:y, ·hh en oh I'm knocked out.

25  Bee:       Nhhkhhhh! ·Hhhh

Sound segments: TG1aa and TG1ab
In "TG1ab" the sound is momentarily stopped after the pitch peak and before the overlap onset.

 2  Ava: ->    firs' time since I wz a freshm'n in hi:ghsch[ool.]

 3  Bee: ->                                                [Ba::]sk(h)et=

 4             b(h)a(h)ll? (h)[(°Whe(h)re.)

Sound segments: TG1ba and TG1bb
In "TG1bb" the sound is momentarily stopped after the pitch peak and before the overlap onset.

 6  Bee:                                                     [·hh] Where

 7  Bee: ->    didju play ba:sk[etbaw.  ]

 8  Ava: ->                    [(The) gy]:m.

Sound segment: TG1ca

14  Ava: ->    =there- <'n we [jus' playing arou:nd.

15  Bee:                      [·hh

16  Bee: ->    Uh-fo[oling around.

17  Ava:            [·hhh     

Sound segment: TG1da

18  Ava:       ... so, some a' the guys who were bedder y'know wen'

19            off by themselves

Sound segment: TG1db

18  Ava:       .................................................... wen'

19            off by themselves so it wz two girls against this one guy

Sound segment: TG1dc

19  Ava:       off by themselves so it wz two girls against this one guy

20             en he's ta:ll.Y'know? [·hh

21  Bee:                             [ Mm hm?

Sound segment: TG1e

 1  Ava:       I'm so:: ti:yid.I j's played...

Sound segment: TG1f

12  Ava:        Yuh know [half the grou]p thet we had la:s' term wz= 

13  Bee:                 [ O h : : : . ] ·hh                             

14  Ava: ->    =there- <'n we [jus' playing arou:nd.

15  Bee:                      [·hh

Sound segment: TG1ga

 1  Ava:  -> I'm so:: ti:yid.I j's played ba:ske'ball t'day since the

 2           firs' time since I wz a freshm'n in hi:ghsch[ool.]

Extract 2: TG2 (2) TG 4:35-5:3  1  Bee:       Eh-yih have anybuddy: thet uh:? (1.2) I would know from the  2             English depar'mint there?  3  Ava:       Mm-mh. Tch! I don't think so.  4  Bee:       °Oh,=<Did they geh ridda Kuhleznik yet hhh  5  Ava: ->    No in fact I know somebuddy who ha:s huh [now.  6  Bee: ->                                             [Oh my got hh[hhh  7  Ava:                                                             [Yeh Sound segments: TG2aa and TG2ab In "TG2ab" a brief delay is inserted before "now."  5  Ava: ->    No in fact I know somebuddy who ha:s huh [now.  6  Bee: ->                                             [Oh my got hh[hhh
Extract 3: HG1 (3) HG II, 1:01-17  1            ((ring))  2  Nancy:    H'llo:?  3   Hyla:    Hi:,  4  Nancy:    HI::.  5   Hyla:    Hwaryuhh=  6  Nancy:    =Fi:ne how'r you,  7   Hyla:    Oka: [y,  8  Nancy:         [Goo:d,  9                  (0.4) 10   Hyla:    ·mkhhh[hhh 11  Nancy:          [What's doin, 12                 (·) 13   Hyla:    Ah:, noth[i :  n :, ] 14  Nancy:             [Y'didn't g]o meet Grahame?= 15   Hyla:    ·pt·hhhhhahh Well, I got ho::me,= 16  Nancy:    =u-hu:h? 17                  (·) Sound segment: HG1a  1  Nancy:    H'llo:?  2   Hyla:    Hi:,  3  Nancy:    HI::.   Sound segment: HG1b  5   Hyla:    Hwaryuhh= Sound segment: HG1c  2  Nancy:    H'llo:?  3   Hyla:    Hi:,  4  Nancy:    HI::.  5   Hyla:    Hwaryuhh= Sound segment: HG1d  6  Nancy:    =Fi:ne how'r you, Sound segment: HG1e  4  Nancy:    HI::.  5   Hyla:    Hwaryuhh=  6  Nancy:    =Fi:ne how'r you,
Extract 4: HG2 (4) HG II, 13:37-14:25 01  Nancy:    Well wt's (·) wt's he li:[ke. 02   Hyla:                             [·hhhhhhhh a-ah: she says (·) he y'know, 03            th'las'time she saw im which wz (·) three years ago he wz pretty 04            *good look*i[ng, 05  Nancy:                [Uh hu[:h, 06  Hyla:                       [·t·hhh 07                  (·) 08   Hyla:    A:nd u:m, 09                  (1.0) 10   Hyla:    ·t·k you know she says eez a veewy nice guy.eez a rea:l, (0.7) 11            ·t good pers'[n. 12  Nancy:                 [Ri:ght.= 13   Hyla:    =·t·hhh 14                  (0.7) 15   Hyla:    A:nd, yihknow s[o, 16  Nancy:                   [That sounds goo:d. 17                  (0.2) 18   Hyla:    Eh:::,= 19  Nancy:    =A'ri::[ght, 20   Hyla:           [Gimm[e sumpn [tih do [one  night] 21  Nancy:                [Y e : h [except [then yu'll] like him en hill go 22            back [tuh Minnea]p'lis.= 23   Hyla:         [hhhh hhhhh] 24   Hyla:    =·eh En ah'll ne(h)ver hear fr'm him a[gai:n,  ]             25  Nancy:                                          [nihh hnh] -heh 26  (   ):    ·e-= 27  Nancy:    =·hihh [hhhh 28   Hyla:           [·hihhhhhh [hhhh] 29  Nancy:                      [(   ][  )didju get] th'mail [t'da:]y? ] 30   Hyla:                            [ It's a c'ns]_p__i__r [a c y] ag]ai(hh)ns 31            m(h)e, Sound segment: HG2a 21  Nancy:                ... [then yu'll] like him en hill go 22            back [tuh Minnea]p'lis.= 23   Hyla:         [hhhh hhhhh] Sound segment: HG2b 24   Hyla: En ah'll ne(h)ver hear fr'm him a[gai:n,  ]             25  Nancy:                                          [nihh hnh] -heh

What Could Go Wrong
  1. If the sound doesn't play, but you get no error message
    • Check if your speakers are turned on.
    • Turn up the sound volume in your sound control panel.
    • If you're working on a PC, be sure you have a sound card installed.
  2. If you get an error message, check your browser's preferences to be sure RealAudio is installed correctly.
  3. Many times, you can solve your problem by going to the Real Networks site (see the top of this page) and re-downloading the free Real G2 Player. Re-install the Player and try it again. Your problem may be solved.
If you still have trouble, either go to the Real Networks site (see the top of this page) for troubleshooting information or seek assistance from your system administrator.