Strategic Studies Core Readings
Carl von
Clausewitz, On War, Michael Howard and
Peter Paret eds. and trans. |
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Systems analysis and variants |
Alain Enthoven and K. Wayne Smith, How Much
is Enough? |
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American military history | Walter Millis, Arms and Men Allan Millett and Peter Maslowski, For the Common Defense |
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Civil-military relations | Samuel P. Huntington, The Soldier and the
State Samuel Finer, The Man on Horseback Charles de Gaulle, The Edge of the Sword Morris Janowitz, The Professional Soldier Paul Hammond, Organizing for Defense Samuel P. Huntington, The Common Defense: Strategic Programs in National Politics Richard Kohn, The United States Military under the Constitution of the United States 1789-1989 |
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War before 1939 |
David Chandler, The Campaigns of Napoleon Philippe Contamine, War in the Middle Ages Hans Delbrueck, History of the Art of War in the Framework of Political History (4 vols., ancient times through French Revolution) Christopher Duffy, The Military Experience of the Age of Reason (18th century) J. F. C. Fuller, A Military History of the Western World (3 vols., through 1944) Alistair Horne, The Price of Glory: Verdun 1916 Michael Howard, The Franco-Prussian War Josephus, The Jewish War (Roman) Lee Kennett, The First Air War, 1914-1918 Frank A. Kierman and John K. Fairbanks, eds., Chinese Ways in Warfare (pre-modern) V. G. Kiernan, From Conquest to Collapse: European Empire from 1815 to 1960 Piers Mackesy, The War for America (1776-1783) Garrett Mattingly, The Armada James McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom (Civil War) Robert Middlekauf, The Glorious Cause (American War of Independence) Donald Morris, The Washing of the Spears (Zulu, 19th century) George Orwell, Homage to Catalonia (Spanish Civil War) Thomas Pakenham, The Boer War Geoffrey Parker, The Military Revolution 1500-1800; The Dutch Revolt (16th-17th centuries) Francis Parkman, Montcalm and Wolfe (Seven Years War in N. America) Polybius, The Histories of Polybius (Punic Wars) Gunther Rothenburg, The Art of War in the Age of Napoleon Charles Royster, Destructive War
(Civil War) Tacitus, The Annals; The History (Roman) Hugh Thomas, The Spanish Civil War David Trask, The War with Spain in 1898 Timothy Travers, The Killing Ground (WWI) Russell Weigley, The Age of Battles (17th-18th century Derek Wood and Derek Dempster, The Narrow of Margin (Battle of Britain) Llewellyn Woodward, Great Britain and the War of 1914-1918 David H. Zook, The Conduct of the Chaco
War |
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World War II: overviews |
American, French, and German official histories of World War II |
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World War II: specialized studies |
John Gooch, Decisive
Campaigns of the Second World War, a special issue of the Journal of Strategic
Studies 13:1 (March 1990) |
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Post-1945 war |
Larry Berman, Planning a Tragedy (Vietnam) ________, Lyndon Johnson's War (Vietnam) Clay Blair, The Forgotten War (Korea) David Chanoff and Doan Van Toai, Portrait of the Enemy (Vietnam) Mark Clodfelter, The Limits of Air Power (Vietnam) Anthony Cordesman and Abraham Wagner, Lessons of Modern Wars (3 vols., 1973-1989) Bernard Fall, Hell in a Very Small Place (Dienbienphu 1954) Max Hastings and Simon Jenkins, The Battle for the Falklands Stuart Herrington, Silence was a Weapon (Vietnam) Dilip Hiro, The Longest War: The Iran-Iraq Military Conflict Alistair Horne, A Savage War of Peace (Algeria, 1954-1962) Keith Kyle, Suez (1956) Zeev Schiff and Ehud Ya'ari, Israel's Lebanon War (1982) ________, Intifadah Richard Sisson, War and Secession: Pakistan, India, and the Creation of Bangladesh Olivier Todd, Cruel April: The Fall of Saigon US News and World Report, Triumph
without Victory (Gulf War, 1991) |
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Tactics | John Keegan, The Face of Battle (New
York: Viking, 1976); Richard Holmes, Acts of War: The Behavior of Men in Battle
(New York: Free Press, 1985); E. D. Swinton, The Defence of Duffer's Drift (1907;
rpt. Wayne, NJ: Avery Publishing, 1986); Infantry Journal Incorporated, Infantry in
Battle (Washington, DC: Infantry Journal, Inc. 1939); Wayne Hughes, Fleet Tactics:
Theory and Practice (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1986); J. E. Johnson, The
Story of Air Fighting (New York: Arrow, 1985). |
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Institutional studies |
Yigal Allon, The Making of Israel's Army Correlli Barnett, Engage the Enemy More Closely (Royal Navy, WWII) Omer Bartov, Hitler's Army Gordon Craig, The Politics of the Prussian Army, 1640-1945 Christopher Donnelly, The Red Banner (USSR contemporary) John Erickson, The Soviet High Command (pre-WWII) William Fuller, Strategy and Power in Russia, 1600-1914 Paul Kennedy, The Rise and Fall of British Naval Mastery Edward Luttwak and Dan Horowitz, The Israeli Army Douglas Porch, The French Foreign Legion G. J. Marcus, The Age of Nelson (Royal Navy, 1793-1815) Arthur J. Marder, The Anatomy of British Sea Power (turn of the century) ________, From Dreadnought to Scapa Flow (5 vols., Royal Navy 1905 through WWI) Philip Mason, A Matter of Honor (Indian Army, survey) John McPhee, La Place de la Concorde Suisse (Swiss Army, in English) Allan R. Millett and Williamson Murray, Military Effectiveness (3 vols., various countries 1914-1945) David Ralston, Importing the European Army (19th century) Gerhard Ritter, The Sword and the Scepter: The Problem of Militarism in Germany (19th century to WWI) Herbert Rosinski, The German Army (17th century to early WWII) Stephen Roskill, Naval Policy between the Wars (2 vols.) John Terraine, The Right of the Line (Royal Air Force, WWII) Jehuda Wallach, The Dogma of the Battle of Annihilation (Germany, 1866-1945) Graham Webster, The Roman Imperial Army |
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Technology |
James P. Baxter, Scientists Against Time (US, WWII) Brassey's, New Battlefield Weapons Systems and Technology; Land Warfare; Sea Power: Naval Vessels, Weapons Systems, and Technology; Air Power: Aircraft, Weapons Systems and Technology (these and other series of monographs on aspects of military technology) Shelford Bidwell, Gunners at War (history of Royal Artillery) Bernard Brodie, Sea Power in the Machine Age (naval 19th century) Vannevar Bush, Modern Arms and Free Men (US, WWII and after) Christopher Duffy, Fire and Stone (18th century siege warfare) David Frieden, ed., Principles of Naval Weapons Systems (current) Norman Friedman, variety of books on history of naval vessels J. F. C. Fuller, Armament and History (dated history, through WWII) D. E. Gordon, Electronic Warfare John Lynn, ed., Tools of War (1445-1871) Elting E. Morison, Men, Machines and Modern Times (essays, US 19th and 20th century) National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Quest for Performance: The Evolution of Modern Aircraft Robert O'Connell, Of Arms and Men (general) Richard M. Ogorkiewicz, Technology of Tanks (2 vols.) Alfred Price, Instruments of Darkness (electronic warfare) Robert H. Scales, Firepower in Limited War (artillery post-WWII) Richard Simpkin, Race to the Swift (future warfare, written in early 1980s) Merrit Roe Smith, ed., Military Enterprise and Technological Change A. J. Smithers, Rude Mechanicals; A New Excalibur (tanks in the 1930's and 1940's) Lincoln R. Thiesmayer and John E. Burchard, Combat Scientists (US WWII) Martin van Creveld, Technology and War (general) Kenneth P. Werrell, The Evolution of the Cruise Missile
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Intelligence | R. V. Jones, The Wizard War (New York:
Coward, McCann, McGeoghegan, 1978) [British version, Most Secret War] or Abram
Shulsky, Silent Warfare (McLean, VA: Brassey's, 1991) or Walter Laqueur, A World
of Secrets (New York: Basic Books, 1985). |
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Logistics | Martin Van Creveld, Supplying War (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977); Julian Thompson, Lifeblood of War: Logistics in Armed Conflict (London: Brassey's, 1991). | back to top |
Nuclear strategy | Lawrence Freedman, The Evolution of Nuclear
Strategy, 2d edition (New York: St. Martin's, 1989) or MacGeorge Bundy, Danger and
Survival: Choices About the Bomb in the First Fifty Years (New York: Vintage, 1988);
Bernard Brodie, Strategy in the Missile Age (Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 1959). |
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Arms control, disarmament, and peacekeeping | Hedley Bull, The Control of the Arms Race,
2d ed. (New York: Praeger, 1965); "Arms Control: Thirty Years On," Daedalus
120:1 (Winter 1991); Bruce D. Berkowitz, Calculated Risks: A Century of Arms Control,
Why it has Failed, and how it can be Made to Work (New York: Simon & Schuster,
1987); United Nations, The Blue Helmets: A Review of United Nations Peacekeeping
(New York: UN, latest edition).. |
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Memoirs |
Edward Porter Alexander, Fighting for the Confederacy (Civil War) Elmer Bendiner, Fall of the Fortresses (WWII bomber crew) Seweryn Bialer, ed., Stalin and his Generals Omar Bradley and Clay Blair, A General's Life Arthur Bryant, ed., The Turn of the Tide; Triumph in the West (Alanbrooke, WWII) Julius Caesar, The Gallic War Guy Chapman, A Passionate Prodigality (British WWI) Winston S. Churchill, The Second World War (any volume); The World Crisis (any volume). N. J. Crisp, Brazen Chariots (British tanker, WWII) Milovan Djilas, Wartime (Tito's aide, WWII) Van Tien Dung, Our Great Spring Victory (Vietnamese commander) Adolf Galland, The First and the Last (German airman, WWII) Charles de Gaulle, War Memoirs Ulysses S. Grant, Memoirs J. Glenn Gray, The Warriors: Reflections on Men in Battle (officer, WWII) Peter Grigorenko, Memoirs (Soviet general, WWII) David Hackworth, About Face (Vietnam) Franz Halder, The Halder Diaries (German general WWII) Maurice Hankey, The Supreme Command, 1914-1918 (British cabinet secretary) Roger Hilsman, American Guerrilla (WWII) Max v. Hoffmann, The War of Lost Opportunities (German general, WWI) Ernst Jünger, Storm of Steel (WWI) George C. Kenney, General Kenney Reports (US WWII airman) T. E. Lawrence, Seven Pillars of Wisdom (WWI) Charles B. MacDonald, Company Commander (US WWII) Fitzroy MacLean, Escape to Adventure (British, WWII, Balkans) Erwin Rommel, Infantry Attacks (German, WWI) Antoine de Saint Exupery, Flight to Arras (French pilot, WWII) Guy Sajer, The Forgotten Soldier (German soldier, WWII) Ariel Sharon, Warrior (Israeli general) Saad el Shazly, The Crossing of the Suez (Egyptian general, 1973) William T. Sherman, Memoirs (Civil War) John Slessor, The Central Blue (British, RAF, WWI to WWII) William Slim, Defeat Into Victory (British commander, Burma, WWII); Unofficial History 1914-1945) Holland M. Smith, Coral Brass (Marine general, WWII) E. L. Spears Prelude to Victory (British liaison to French, 1917) Johannes Steinhoff, Meserschmidts Over Sicily (German pilot, WWII) Joseph Stilwell, The Stilwell Papers (US, WWII) Truong Nhu Tang, A Viet Cong Memoir Julian Thompson, No Picnic: 3 Commando Brigade in the South Atlantic, 1982 Nick Vaux, Take that Hill: Royal Marines in the Falklands War Sandy Woodward, One Hundred Days (British commander, Falklands) Laurens van der Post, The Seed and the Sower (British POW, SEAsia, WWII) Ezer Weizman, On the Wings of Eagles
(former head of Israeli Air Force) |
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Literature |
Honore de Balzac, The Chouans (Napoleonic) Henri Barbusse, Under Fire (WWI) Mikhail Bulgakov, The White Guard (Russian Civil War) James Gould Cozzens, Guard of Honor (WWII) Stephen Crane, The Red Badge of Courage (Civil War) J. G. Farrell, The Siege of Krishnapur (Indian Mutiny) C. S. Forester, The Ship (WWII); Rifleman Dodd, various Hornblower novels (Napoleonic) George McDonald Fraser, The General Danced at Dawn (British, post-WWII) Paul Fussell, The Great War and Modern Memory (WWI) Robert Graves, Belisarius (Byzantine, 7th century) Jaroslav Hasek, The Good Soldier Svejk (Austria Hungary, WWI) Willi Heinrich, The Iron Cross (WWII) Homer, The Iliad Paul Horgan, A Distant Trumpet (US West, post-Civil War) James Kennaway, Tunes of Glory (post-WWII) Thomas Kenneally, Confederates (Civil War) James Jones, From Here to Eternity (pre-WWII) Jean Larteguy, The Centurions (1st Indochina War, Algeria) Väinö Linna, The Unknown Soldier (Finland, Winter War) Norman Mailer, The Naked and the Dead (WWII) John Masters, Bugles and a Tiger; The Road Past Mandalay (pre-WWII, WWII) James Michener, The Bridges at Toko-Ri (Korea) Nicholas Monsarrat, The Cruel Sea (WWII) Oxford Book of War Poetry Theodore Plievier, Stalingrad (WWII) Vasili Grossman, Life and Fate (WWII) Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front (WWI) Michael Shaara, Killer Angels (Civil War) Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace (Napoleonic); Sevastopol Sketches, The Cossacks, The Raid (19th century) Mario Vargas Llosa, The War of the End of the World (19th century) Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Chinese) Alfred de Vigny, The Military Necessity (19th century) Evelyn Waugh, Sword of Honor (3 vols., WWII) James Webb, Fields of Fire (Vietnam) Edward Wilson, Patriotic Gore (study of Civil War literature) Herman Wouk, The Caine Mutiny (WWII) Frederick Manning, The Middle Parts of Fortune (WWI) Emile Zola, The Debacle (Franco
Prussian War) |
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Biographies |
Hiroyuki Agawa, The Reluctant Admiral: Yamamoto and the Imperial Navy (WWII) Correlli Barnett, The Sword Bearers (WWI) Michael Carver, The War Lords (Allies, WWII) Winston S. Churchill, Marlborough: His Life and Times (6 vols., or abridgement, 17th/18th century) Douglas Southall Freeman, R. E. Lee (Civil War) ________, Lee's Lieutenants (Civil War) J. F. C. Fuller, The Generalship of Ulysses S. Grant, Grant and Lee (Civil War) Peter Green, Alexander of Macedon, 356-323 B.C. Elizabeth Longford, Wellington (2 vols.) John Lukacs, The Duel (Churchill and Hitler) Elting C. Morison, Turmoil and Tradition (Henry Stimson, through WWII) Peter Padfield, Dönitz (WWII) Forrest C. Pogue, George C. Marshall (4 vols., WWII) Norman Polmar and Thomas Allen, Rickover (US, 20th century) Stephen W. Sears, George B. McClellan (Civil War) Neil Sheehan, A Bright Shining Lie (John Vaughan, Vietnam) Donald Smythe, Pershing: General of the Armies (WWI) Alice Rains Trulock, In the Hands of Providence: Joshua L. Chamberlain and the American Civil War
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Contemporary strategic issues | Read either three back issues of International Institute for Strategic Studies, Strategic Survey (London: Brassey's); or skim two years' of back issues of two of the following: International Security; International Defense Review; Military Review; Parameters; RUSI Journal; Proceedings of the United States Naval Institute; Airpower Journal or skim three books on contemporary issues. |
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Important scholarly journals | Journal of Military History Journal of Modern History International Security Journal of Strategic Studies Security Studies Intelligence and National Security World Politics (occasional articles) Political Science Quarterly (occasional articles) Militärgeschichtliches Mitteilungen (German) War and Society |
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Links to
bibliographic sites (most bibliographies not annotated) |
Armed Forces Staff College Library US Army War College Library Naval War College Library National Defense University Library Naval Postgraduate School Library Air University Library Marine Corps Research Center H-Net reviews; H-War is the military section of H-Net and very useful US Army Military History Institute US Army Combat Studies Institute Duke University top 100 books in military history Military history syllabi, from the Society for Military History Soon's Historical Fiction Site -- odd but comprehensive |
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