Good Old Days of Adam and of Eve When I was young and very little We used to make sugar in a potash kettle Now you must have an evaporating pan If you don't make white sugar, 'taint worth a damn Oh dear me, I can't help but grieve For the good old days of Adam and of Eve Oh dear me, I can't help but grieve For the good old days of Adam and of Eve When we used to go to a ball We went with an ox team or no team at all Now you must have a horse and sleigh Buffalo robes and everything gay The boys used to be both happy and gay And able to work both night and day How they look like an eel that is skinned And they tremble like cornstock shaking in the wind Sung by Caroline and Sandy Paton, verses assembled from their neighbours, as well as Sen. Ralph Flanders of Vermont, through Helen Hartness Flanders