Working Papers

For copies of Center for Social Theory and Comparative History Working Papers, please contact:

Thomas Mertes
Phone: (310) 206-5675
Mailing: CSTCH Working Papers, Box 951484, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1484.

Volume Index

  1. 1988 - State, Revolution, and Social Development
  2. 1989 - Conditions and Consequences of Economic Development
  3. 1990 - Democracy in Theory and History
  4. 1991 - Socialism, Democracy, and the Market: An Eternity of Capitalism?
  5. 1992 - Nationalism, Nation-states, and Violence
  6. 1993 - Joseph Schumpeter's Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy: A Fifty Year Retrospective
  7. 1993 - The New World Economic Disorder
  8. 1994 - The City
  9. The Meaning of the Market: Theory and History I
  10. The Meaning of the Market: Theory and History II

VOLUME I. 1988 - State, Revolution, and Social Development

  1. In process

VOLUME II. 1989 - Conditions and Consequences of Economic Development

  1. "Does It Pay to Be Late? Advantages and Disadvantages of Economic Backwardness," David Landes
  2. "Uneconomic Causes of Economic Growth," Victor G. Keirnan
  3. "Freidrich List, Karl Marx, and National Development," Roman Szporluk
  4. "Marxist Controversies and the Crisis of Development in Japan," Germaine Hoston
  5. "State and Development in Meiji Japan: The Confession of a Revisionist" Kozo Yamamura
  6. "From Feudalism to Capitalism in Late Tokugawa and Meiji Japan," Herbert Bix
  7. "The Corporate Reconstruction of American Capitalism, 1880-1916," Martin Sklar
  8. "Technology, Industrial Structure and Competitiveness, 1880-1930," William Lazonick
  9. "Rethinking Belated Development in Germany," Charles Maier
  10. "German Development through 'Organized Capitalism," Hans-Ulrich Wehler
  11. "The Domestic Roots of British Expansion, 1750-1914," A. G. Hopkins
  12. "Imperialism in Theory and Practice, 1870-1914," Micheal Barratt Brown
  13. "Third World Development in Historical Perspective," Eric Hobsbawm
  14. "Declining Empire, Passing Theories Toward a New Development Paradigm," James Petras
  15. "Alternative Strategies for Development," Kevin Griffin
  16. "The Development of the Political Economy of Development," Robert Bates
  17. "The Emergence of Capitalism within the Peasantry in Contemporary India," Jan Bremen
  18. "State, Law, and Development in the Twentieth Century India," David Washbrook
  19. "Colonial Social Formations: The Indian Case," Hamza Alavi
  20. "Development Theory and the Brazilian Case," Albert Fishlow
  21. "State Development in Brazil," Peter Evans
  22. "Getting Relative Prices 'Wrong': The Paradigm of Late Industrialization," Alice Amsden
  23. "The Key to Korean Development: Economic Nationalism or World Economy," Nigel Harris

VOLUME III. 1990 - Democracy in Theory and History

  1. "Promise and Paradox," Carole Pateman
  2. "Democracy and Its Critics," Robert Dahl
  3. "Woman Suffrage Worldwide: Towards A Socialist-Feminist Tradition," Ellen Dubois
  4. "Suffrage and the Rise of Political Modernity: A Global Perspective on Trajectories and Contexts," Goran Therborn
  5. "Strategies and Consequences of the Transition from a Redistributive to a Mixed Economy," Ivan Szelenyi
  6. "Cultural Upheaval and Class Formation During the French Revolution," Patrice Higgonet
  7. "Democracy and the Working Class in Nineteenth Century Britian," Jahn Saville
  8. "Secondary Associations in Democractic Governance," Joshua Cohen and Joel Rogers
  9. "'Democracy Cannot Stop at the Factory Gates': The Limits and Possibilities of Social Democracy," Gosta-Esping Anderson
  10. "Capitalism and Democracy in Revolutionary America," Joyce Appleby
  11. "Democractic Ideas in 17th-Century England," Christopher Hill
  12. "The Games of Transition," Adam Przeworski
  13. "From Stalinism to Post-Communist Pluralism: The Case of Poland," Andrejz Walicki
  14. "Can Revolutions Be Predicted? Can Their Causes Be Understood?" Nikki Keddie
  15. "Mediations: Enlightenment Balancing Acts, or The Technology of Rationalism," M. Norton Wise

VOLUME IV. 1991 - Socialism, Democracy, and the Market: An Eternity of Capitalism?

  1. "Is Democratic Planning Possible?" Diane Elson
  2. "Together in Difference: Transforming the Logic of Group Political Conflict," Iris M. Young
  3. "Gender, Race, Class, and Politics," Various authors
  4. "The Possibility of Market Socialism," John Roemer
  5. "Attempting an Interpretation," Moshe Lewin
  6. "Etacratism: Power and Property (Evidence of Soviet Experience)," Ovsey Shkaratan and Vadim Radaev
  7. "Nationalism and Politics in Eastern Europe," Ernest Gellner
  8. "Sovereignty, Independence, and International Institutitions," Robert Keohane
  9. "From Space to Place and Back Again: Reflections on the Condition of Postmodernity," David Harvey
  10. "International Crisis and U.S. Decline," Robert Brenner
  11. "Invested Interests: The Politics of National Economic Policies in a World of Global Finance," Jeffry Frieden
  12. "The Crisis of Swedish Social Democracy," Jonas Pontusson
  13. "Privatization in Eastern Europe," Janos Kornai

VOLUME V. 1992 - Nationalism, Nation-states, and Violence

  1. "Legal Frameworks for the Assertion of American Indian Nationalism," Carole Goldberg-Ambrose
  2. "The Survival of American Indian Political Identities," Duane Champagne
  3. "Les Identites Ambigues," Etienne Balibar
  4. "Nationalism in Southeastern Europe," Ivo Banac
  5. "A National Compensation for Backwardness," Peter Hanak
  6. "Black Nationalism," Clay Carson
  7. "African Redemption, Garvey's Gospel: The Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey," Robert Hill
  8. "Institutional Foundation of Warmaking: Three Eras of U.S. Warmaking, 1939-189," Greg Hooks and Greg McLauchlan
  9. "The Implications of the New (Western) Europe for the Modern State," Michael Mann
  10. "Sexual Affronts and Racial Frontiers: European Identities and the Cultural Politics of Exclusion in Colonial Southeast Asia," Ann Stoler
  11. "Nationalism," Benedict Anderson
  12. "The Agenda for Nationalism," Partha Chatterjee
  13. "Postcoloniality and the Artifice of History: Who Speaks for 'Indian' Pasts?" Dipesh Chakrabarty
  14. "Women, Nation and the Cultural Construction of Hindu India,"Sucheta Mazumdar
  15. "From National Movement to Nation," Miroslav Hroch
  16. "The Myth of the Immutable English Family," Zvi Razi
  17. "Women and the Post-Communist Transition," Various authors
  18. "The Rodney King Beating, The Death Penalty and Social Dominance," Larry Bobo and Jim Sidanius

VOLUME VI. 1993 - Joseph Schumpeter's Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy: A Fifty Year Retrospective

  1. "Schumpeter's Contribution to the Contemporary Sociology of Capitalism," Randall Collins
  2. "The Rationality of Democracy in a Capitalistic Society," Manfred Prisching
  3. "Der Unternehmer als 'Wirtschaftsfuhrer'" Herbert Matis
  4. "Schumpeter and Democracy," Richard Ashcraft
  5. "The Imperious Austrian," George Catephores
  6. "The Historical Background of Schumpeter's View of Socialism," Dieter Steifel

VOLUME VII. 1993 - The New World Economic Disorder

  1. "Is There a Crisis of the World Economy," Elmar Altvater
  2. "The Advanced Capitalist Countries since 1845," Andrew Glyn
  3. "Industrial Competitiveness and American National Security," John Zysman
  4. "Canada's Interests in North American Economic Integration," Steven Globerman
  5. "Canada and NAFTA," Mel Watkins
  6. "The Effect of George Bush's NAFTA on American Workers: Ladder Up or Ladder Down," Thea Lee
  7. "NAFTA: A Win-Win-Win Situation for North America," Gary Hufbauer
  8. "The Impact of the NAFTA on Mexican Agriculture," Mauricio Bailon
  9. "NAFTA Economic Modernization vs. Social Mobility," Sergio Zermeno
  10. "The Causes and Consequences of the Japanese Economic Crisis," Charles Leadbeater
  11. "Capitalism: East Asian Style," Chalmers Johnson
  12. "Local Corporatism and Informal Privatization in China's Market Transition," Victor Nee and Sijin Su
  13. "Is the Japanese Economy in Crisis," Makoto Itoh
  14. "Western Europe's Economic Stagnation," Andrea Boltho
  15. "Changing Economic Order and European Integration," Loukas Tsoukalis
  16. "Organizational Dynamics of Market Transition," Andrew Walder

VOLUME VIII. 1994 - The City

  1. "The City Thrice Considered," Jan de Vries
  2. "The Rise of the Metropolis: Trade and Industry in 12th to the 18th Century," Herman Van der Wee
  3. "Cities of Peasants in a New World Order," Bryan Roberts
  4. "Women and the City: Some Questions," Elizabeth Wilson
  5. "How Eden Lost Its Garden: Los Angeles and the Politics of Space," Mike Davis
  6. "Urban Growth and Agricultural Change: England and the Continent in Early Modern Period," E. Anthony Wrigley [reprint]
  7. "Edgy Cities, Technoblurbs, and Simulcrumbs: Depthless Utpoias and Dystopias on the Sub-Urban Fringe," Richard Walker
  8. "Los Angeles 1965-1992: The Six Geographies of Urban Restructuring," Ed Soja
  9. "Environmental Planning and Policy in the Los Angeles Region: Openings and Opportunities," Margaret Fitzsimmons [reprint]
  10. "Industrial Urbanism in Southern California: Post-Fordist Civic Dilemmas and Opportunities," Allen J. Scott
  11. "Explaining New York City's Aberrant Economy: Post-Industrial vs. Classical Perspectives," Robert Fitch
  12. "The Space of Flows: Elements for a Theory of Urbanism in the Informational Society," Manuel Castells [reprint]
  13. "A Phantom? The De-traditionalisation of Money, The International Financial System and International Financial Centres," Nigel Thrift
  14. "East European Cities How Different Are They?" Ivan Szelenyi [reprint]
  15. "Exploring Minority Empowerment: Symbolic Politics, Governing Coalitiions, and Traces of Political Style in Los Angeles," Franklin D. Gilliam, Jr.
  16. "Killing a Chinese Mandarin: The Moral Implications of Distance," Carlo Ginzburg

VOLUME IX - The Meaning of the Market: Theory and History I

  1. "The Social Foundations of Economic Development," Robert Brenner
  2. "Market Growth and the Intensification of Agriculture in Historical Perspective: The Case of Medieval and Early Modern Japan," Osamu Saito
  3. "Involutionary Commercialization in China," Philip Huang
  4. "The Market and the Origins of American Economic Development," Christopher Clark
  5. "The Market Economy of the United States, 1800-1860: Reality and Theory," James A. Henretta
  6. "The Cultural Underpinnings of Capitalist Development in the Early National Period," Joyce Appleby
  7. "Strategic Factors in the Economic Development of Early Massachusetts," Winifred Rothenberg
  8. "Adam Smith's Theory of Economic Development: Our Problems and His," Donald Winch
  9. "The Political Economy of the 'Unnatural and Retrograde' Order: Adam Smith and Natural Liberty," Istvan Hont
  10. "Marx and the Market," Simon Clarke
  11. "Crisis in Marx's Analysis of the Market," Micheal Howard
  12. "The Dilemma of Durable Goods," Michio Morishima
  13. "Differences in Marginalist Conceptions of the Market," Joseph Ostroy
  14. "The Immoral Market and the New Moral World: The Early 19th Century Socialist Critique of the Market Economy," Noel Thompson
  15. "The Market Transition Debate: Issues for Future Research," Ivan Szelenyi and Eric Kostello
  16. "Market Transition and the Persistence of Power: The Changing Stratification System in Urban China," John Logan and Yanjie Bian
  17. "Markets and the Maintenance of Inequalities in Eastern Europe: The Ermergence of Small-Scale Entrepeneurship in Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic," Eric Hanley
  18. "Commercialization and Agrarian Transformation in China," Victor Nee and Lisa Keister (charts)
  19. "The Emergence of a Market Society: Changing Mechanisms of Stratification in China," Victor Nee
  20. "Russia. Winter 1994/1995: Economic and Political Shifts," compiled by Alexander Buzgalin and Andrei Kolganov [reprint]
  21. "Reconsiderations on Class," Eric Olin Wright

VOLUME X - The Meaning of the Market: Theory and History II

  1. "Keynes's Critique of the Self-Adjusting Economy," John Eatwell
  2. "The Influence of the Great Depression on Keynes's 'General Theory,'" Robert Skidelsky
  3. "The Great Depression: A Paradoxical Event?" Gerard Dumenil and Dominique Levy
  4. "Instability in the World Economy: Parallels Between the Ends of the Two World Wars," Peter Temin [reprint]
  5. "The Nation in Depression," Christina Romer [reprint]
  6. "A Concise Nonmonetary History of Postwar Economic Activity," Edmund Phelps [reprint]
  7. "Keynesian Economics: Past Confusion, Future Prospects," Axel Leijonhufvud [reprint]
  8. "The Life and Death of the Great European Boom," Alan Milward
  9. "The Marx-Hayek Cycle and the Official Demise of Keynesianism," Meghnad Desai
  10. "The New Agenda and Its Four Forces," Kenneth Courtis [reprint]
  11. "Power and Paralysis: Japan as a Superpower," Chalmers Johnson
  12. "Trade and Wages: The Past and Future," Robert Z. Lawrence [to be printed]
  13. "U.S. Wages, Technological Change, and Globalization," Edward Leamer [reprint]
  14. "American Labor in International Lean Production," Kim Moody
  15. "Globalisation, Labour Flexibility and the Era of Market Regulation," Guy Standing
  16. "Global Restructuring and the 'Strange Death' of the Third World," Giovanni Arrighi
  17. "Structural Adjustment: Debt Collection Device or Development Policy?" Manfred Bienefeld