Matsigenka Publications

1974 (with G. Bond) Kinship, Friendship, and Exchange in Two Communities: A Comparative Analysis of Norms and Behavior.  Journal of Anthropological

            Research 30:55 68.

1975 Time Allocation in a Machiguenga Community.  Ethnology 14:301 310.

1975 (with O. Johnson)  Male/Female Relations and the Organization of Work in a Machiguenga Community. American Ethnologist 2:634 648.

1977 The Energy Costs of Technology in a Changing Environment: A Machiguenga Case. In, H., Lechtman and R. Merrill, eds., Material Culture: Styles Organization, and Dynamics of Technology. 1975 Proceedings of the Annual Spring Meeting of the American Ethnological Society.  St. Paul, West .

1977  (with E. Montgomery) Machiguenga Energy Expenditure. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 6:97 105.

1982 Reductionism in Cultural Ecology: The Amazon Case.  Current Anthropology 23:413 428.

1982 (with C. Behrens) Nutritional Criteria in Machiguenga Food Production Decisions: A Linear Programming Analysis.  Human Ecology 10:167 189.

1983 Machiguenga Gardens.  In, Raymond B. Hames and William T. Vickers, eds., Adaptive Responses of Native Amazonians.  New York:  Academic Press.

1986 (with O. Johnson and M. Baksh) The Colors of Emotions in Machiguenga, American Anthropologist 88:674 681.

1987 (with M. Baksh)  Ecological and Structural Influences on the Proportions of Wild Foods in the Diets of Two Machiguenga Communities.   In, Marvin Harris

            and Eric B. Ross, eds.  Food and Evolution:  Toward a Theory of Human Food Habits.  Philadelphia:  Temple Univ. Press.

1987 (With Orna R. Johnson) Time Allocation Among the Machiguenga of Shimaa. In, Allen Johnson, ed., Cross Cultural Studies in Time Allocation, Vol. I.

            New Haven: Human Relations Area Files.

1988 (with O. Johnson)  Oedipus in the Political Economy:  Theme and Variations in Amazonia.  In, Richard P. Randolph, David M. Schneider, and May N.

            Diaz, eds.,  Dialectics and Gender:  Anthropological Approaches.  Boulder, CO:  Westview.

1989 How the Machiguenga Manage Resources: Conservation or Exploitation of Nature?  In, D.A. Posey and W. Balee, eds., Resource Management in

            Amazonia: Indigenous and Folk Strategies. New York: New York Botanical Society.

1990 (with M. Baksh)  Insurance Policies Among the Machiguenga:  An Ethnographic Analysis of Risk Management in Nonwestern Society.  In, Elizabeth

            Cashdan, ed., Risk and Uncertainty in Tribal and Peasant Societies.  Boulder, CO:  Westview.

1995 A Guttman Scale Analysis of Matsigenka Men's Manufacturing Skills.  Cultural Anthropology Methods 7:1-3, 12.

1996 (with O. Johnson)  Matsigenka.  Encyclopedia of World Cultures, Vol. 7, ed. D. Levinson.  Boston:  G. K. Hall.

2000  (with Timothy Earle)  The Evolution of Human Societies, 2d Edition.  Stanford:      Stanford University Press.

2000 The Political Unconscious:  Politics and Stories  in Two South American Cultures.  In, S.  Renshon and J. Duckitt, eds., Political Psychology:  Cultural and

            Crosscultural  Foundations.  London:  MacMillan, pp. 159-181.

2003   Families of the Forest:   the Matsigenka Indians of the Peruvian       Amazon. Berkeley:  University of California Press (in press).
See Matskigenka Ethnography link on previous page.

1974 (with G. Bond) Kinship, Friendship, and Exchange in Two Communities: A Comparative Analysis of Norms and Behavior.  Journal of Anthropological

            Research 30:55 68.