Democracy is Born in Conversation:
Walter Capps' Campaign for the U.S. Congress
(Supported by the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation, 1999-2000)
[What follows is the original text of the Guggenheim proposal. A list of publications that resulted from this project is found at the bottom of this page] The proposed project is
a study of the collective construction of a candidate's political agenda
and political identity during a highly visible and nationally monitored campaign
for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. On the basis of ethnographic
methods (participant observation, informal interviews) and extensive video
recordings of spontaneous interaction between a candidate and his supporters,
advisers, family members, and opponents, I plan to write a book that examines
the forces that shaped the candidate's daily public presentation of self
and limited his attempts to control the political process he originated by
his decision to run for office. This analysis will (i) contribute to a model
of political discourse in contemporary U.S. and (ii) provide an understanding
of the moral dilemmas caused by the decision to assume a new public identity.
Along with other anthropologists (e.g. Ochs 1982; Rosaldo
1983; Rosen 1985, 1995), I have been arguing in the last decade that speakers' control
over the meaning of their words has been overestimated in contemporary pragmatic
models (Searle 1965, 1983) and that in the real world of human interaction
co-authorship is the norm rather than the exception (Duranti 1984, 1988).
Speakers not only find themselves quoting (sometimes knowingly other times
the words of others, they often also need the collaboration of others to
complete their utterances and clarify their meanings. However, once we accept
the position
that meaning is not simply constructed in a person's mind but can only
exist between speakers (Voloshinov 1973), we are left with a number of unresolved
issues: how do individual speakers deal with the implications and consequences
of collective meaning-making? To what extent can individuals resist the interpretation
of their words imposed upon them by other, sometimes more powerful or communicatively
more effective agents (e.g. the press)? Despite Edward Sapir's insistence
on the importance of the individual in language use and language change,
even linguistic anthropologists have done very little to systematically study
performance and individual expression (Johnston & Bean 1997).
In order
to address these issues, we need accurate and extensive recordings of spontaneous
speech by the same individuals across situations. Despite
the fact that the field of politics is one in which the comparison of people's
statements across contexts is a constant source of discussion, the methods
by which such comparisons have been made has been either flawed or limited.
Politicians' language is typically identified with what they say
in public settings (or what printed by their campaign office) and only
we get to read about a politician's informal remark (most likely
when it is a blunder). Despite the fact that students of human interaction
repeatedly shown that speakers' recollections of what they say cannot
be trusted, popular books by famous journalists like Bob Woodward (The
Agenda, The Choice) are filled with parts of informal conversations between
characters and their advisers or family members reconstructed from participants' recollections
or third parties' stories. Local reporters usually do not follow
a candidate from one campaign stop to the next and therefore miss crucial
in a
candidate's speech like for instance the difference between rehearsed
speech and spontaneous exchanges. Those who write for national newspapers
tend to write articles based on interviews or already printed material
(e.g. by
other reporters). With a few exceptions (Fenno 1996), even political scientists
rarely spend time on the campaign trail and even more rarely do they work
on the basis of accurate transcriptions of what politicians say to different
(it is now common to work on the written version of speeches on the Web
rather than on the transcript of the actual speeches). Researchers and
very rarely have access to exchanges between the candidate and his closest
advisers. Even in the popular documentary film In the War Room, which provides
an unusual opportunity to see how Clinton's staff worked during his
first campaign for President, we never see the candidate talking with his
In contrast, the proposed study is based on the recordings of a wide range
of spontaneous interactions involving the same candidate across public
and private settings.
Between November 1995 and November 1996, I closely
followed the political
campaign of Walter Capps, an accomplished scholar and charismatic professor
of religious
studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara, whose course
on the Vietnam War was featured on "60 Minutes" and attracted
over 800 students each time it was offered. Capps ran as a Democrat for
the U.S. Congress
in the Santa Barbara-San Luis Obispo district, defeated a conservative
Republican incumbent (Andrea Seastrand), and went on to serve in Congress
for nine months
before suffering a fatal heart attack at the Dulles airport on his way
to Capitol Hill. The unrestricted access Capps gave me to the on-stage
and the off-stage
moments of his campaign allowed me to video record almost 60 hours of
tapes filled with his speeches, debates, interviews, and private conversations
with family members and advisers. These data provide a rich and unique
corpus for
the study of a candidate's decision-making process, the progressive
shaping of his political message, and the moral dilemmas faced in public
and in private
On the basis of detailed transcriptions of the video tapes,
ethnographic fieldnotes, and clips from local and national newspapers, I
plan to write
a book centered
around the different ways in which Capps' discourse was shaped
by the type of audience he was addressing. Capps lived the contextual
of the public sphere with some distress and often articulated his moral
dilemmas in his speeches. He used a lecturing style that invited listeners
to reflect
on his own predicament: how to be a competent and committed politician
without renouncing or damaging his other identities -- Capps the popular
teacher, the
accomplished scholar, the religious and spiritual man, the head of
his extended family.
After reviewing the visual and ethnographic material
I collected, I
established four thematic foci that will be used as the basis for
my analysis:
a) Coherence of self: how does a candidate try to maintain
coherence in his public and private personae in the face of such a new and
extremely demanding
activity as campaigning for public office? In the case of Walter
Capps, this issue is lived as a struggle that he often articulated
in public,
when he
talked to his audience about his own motivations, doubts and reservations
about running
for political office. The videotapes of public debates also provide
important glimpses on how the same coherence theme was being articulated
by the
candidates in the district.
b) Contextual variation: how do different
contexts and, in particular, different audiences, bring out different
aspects of a candidate's persona, including
moral and religious beliefs, compassion, sense of humor,
linguistic ideology? The comparison of different versions of the "same speech" provide
a map of a candidate's thinking, his ability to establish
a rapport with the audience or resist points of view he didn't
share. It also shows that reporters who based their articles
on one appearance misinterpreted planned
speech for spontaneous speech and missed the irony or humor
of a statement that was repeated throughout the day.
c) Intertextuality:
Where do forms and contents of political speeches come from?
Capps' speeches can be traced to different sources including
slogans used by Republicans (e.g. in the "Contract with
America") and his
own academic writing and teaching. For example, the recording
of one of his classes (the last lecture of his very popular
course on the Vietnam War) provides
us with a rich source of material for comparing his academic
lecturing style with his political speaking style.
d) Master
narrative: Is there a model of public speaking in political
campaigns? Is there a master narrative that all candidates are
trying to produce regardless
of their political agenda? Capps' participation in public
debates with other candidates in the district allows us to
compare some of his rhetorical
strategies with those of his opponents. The data show that
all candidates seem concerned with a small number of key issues (e.g.
trust and competence) and
all candidates construct a narrative of their "call" to
public office, regardless of their political beliefs.
The book will be organized as a story starting on the night before
Capps' announcement
that he was going to run for office (Nov. 13, 1995) and ending
on the day after the election (Nov. 6, 1996) with an interview
with the director of a local
Spanish radio station where Capps had spoken. Each chapter either
introduces or further develops one of the key theoretical issues
that inform the narrative.
Walter Capps used to say that "politics
is born in conversation" as
a way of suggesting that he welcomed dialogue with supporters
and opponents. I am using the same phrase to suggest that if
we want to understand how a political
identity is formed and how the meaning of a candidate's
message is constructed, we need to look at the conversations
a candidate has with different audiences
throughout an entire campaign. Rather than an internal and invisible
moral conflict, a candidate's struggle with different identities,
allegiances, and beliefs is often played out there on the visible
and audible stage of everyday
life. The documentation of such a struggle offers us a unique
opportunity to understand the process of politicization in contemporary
Publications that discuss material collected for this project:
A. Duranti (2003).The
Voice of the Audience in Contemporary American Political Discourse. In GURT 2001: Linguistics, Language, and the Real World:
Discourse and Beyond, ed. by Deborah Tannen. and James E. Alatis. Georgetown University
pp. 114-34.
A. Duranti (2004). Il fare del linguaggio. Quaderni del ramo d'oro 6, pp. 149-166.
A. Duranti. 2006. Narrating the Political Self in a Campaign for the U.S. Congress. Language in Society 35(4): 467-97.
A. Duranti (2007) Etnopragmatica. La forza nel parlare (chapters 5 and 7). Roma: Carocci Editore.