Midterm - Winter 1996

Student's NAME__________________________, _________________________(Last, First)

T.A.'s NAME __________________________ Section ___________

Write as clearly as possible and keep in mind that the space allocated to each question is what you are roughly expected to need to give an adequate answer.

Before starting, write your name and your TA's name on each page, read all the questions carefully, and plan the time you want to spend on each answer.


1. Connect each scholar with a particular concept:

a. Yankeh ( )

i. hasham

b. Tedlock ( )

ii. the story of the muni bird

c. Heidegger ( )

iii. linguistic purism

d. Kroskrity ( )

iv. okeayme

e. Abu-Lughod ( )

v. highlighting

f. Goodwin ( )

vi. Equipment/tools

g. Dai Qing ( )

vii. Zuni verbal performace

h. Feld ( )

viii. authenticity vs. artistic freedom


2. True (T)/False (F)

i) To take an emic perspective means to understand what is significant for the participants ( )

ii) In all societies, when two people meet, the first question they ask is "how are you?" ( )

iii) The German philosopher Immanuel Kant thought that it might be difficult for anthropology to be accepted as a formal science due to the observer's paradox ( )

iv) Wittgenstein believes that the main function of language is to label objects in the world ( )

v) Among the Bedouins, inheritance is through the mother's line ( )

vi) For Tedlock, pausing is not a very important aspect of Zuni dramatic poetry. ( )

vii) The absence of something can be significant in social interaction ( )

viii) A theory is not the truth, but an intellectual construct, something that is always provisional ( )


3. Using Goodwin's article and the "Ax fight" illustrate three of the four "ways of seeing" discussed in class?

1) seeing as _____________________: ex. _______________________________________


2) seeing as ___________________: ex. __________________________________________


3) seeing as ___________________: ex. __________________________________________




4. Do either A or B:

A. How do we know that the girls in the playground switch register while role playing (based on Jennifer Schlegel's class presentation)?

B. List 2 types of gestures and give an example for each type (based on Valentina Pagliai' class presentation)?







5. Give a brief definition of the built environment & one example (from the readings or class discussions) of the way in which it plays a role in human communication.








6. When do Bedouin women veil and what are the functions of veiling according to Abu-Lughod ?









7. Do either A or B:

A. How is the notion of tool relevant to understanding culture?

B. What is an okyeame and what are his social functions?









8. How is social hierarchy reproduced in the Samoan fono?









9. Do either (A) or (B):

A) Based on the readings and class lectures, briefly describe what ethnographers do.

B) Explain the difference between an etic perspective and an emic perspective using examples

from the readings or class lectures.














10. Do either (A) or (B)

A) What do the Arizona Tewa mean when they say that "our language is our life (history)"?

B) What did you learn about the meaning of "speech community" from reading Bloomfield and Morgan? _________________________________________________________________________














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